Staying Fit and Healthy During The Pandemic

As we all know, there is a direct correlation between physical activity, nutrition, and good health. So, the more of a sedentary lifestyle you have, the more you become increased to a weaker immune system.

Who is at risk?

WHO found globally, 80% of the adolescent age group is inactive whilst another study found that people that participate in physical activity generally live longer (this excludes varying lifestyle factors that could significantly affect lifespan) than those who are inactive or are immunocompromised. Being inactive can cause a multitude of problems, some of which include high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

Here are some of the great benefits that physical exercise can have upon health:

Weight loss: it is a known fact that regular physical activity leads to a reduction in weight, which subsequently helps your immune system function optimally. So, if it is weight loss that you’re after, try working out for 30 minutes a day and gradually watch the numbers drop from the scales.

Stress and anxiety relief: amidst the current pandemic, strange circumstances have seen a surge in stress and anxiety. Exercising often releases chemicals in the brain (called serotonin and endorphins) that can help to increase cognitive function and decrease depression.

Reduction in heart-related problems and diseases: it should not come as a surprise that an increase in physical activity reduces blood pressure as well as other serious health issues such as type 2 diabetes and heart diseases.

Increase in bone and muscle health: this is especially for those that are elderly. Physical activity can improve bone health, muscle health, and provide you with that all-important balance and flexibility as you age.

Government advice now states that you can exercise outdoors with people from your home or one person from another household if you remain 2m apart. Take advantage of the re-opening of parks and create your own workout plan to get the heart pumping.

Try to get in around 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to brisk physical activity a day, which will undoubtedly help your immune system from keeping viruses at bay. Moreover, if your worry is bumping into too many people in one place, try timing your workout to see what time is best to miss the crowds. Then, you will be able to get your workout in and have peace of mind that you will not encounter any of the public.

All in all, there is an abundance of health benefits to exercise, especially now that immune systems should be at their most optimal. Take advantage of the exercise rule during the COVID-19 pandemic and hop outdoors to get fit.